Monday, June 10, 2024

Remember Love - The Brian Jonestown Massacre Mix

Da se igrom slučaja i pod pritiskom moram odlučiti da do kraja života slušam samo jedan bend, osim The Fall ili Flaming Lips, verovatno bi se odlučio i za The Brian Johnestown Massacre Antona Newcombea iz San Franciska. 

Anton, čovek koji je eksperimentisao sa svakojakim biljem i svakakvom hemijom da bi u jednom trenutku stao i izjavio da se osećao poput "astmatičara koji trči maraton i koga u jednom trenutku Bruce Lee svom snagom udara u prsa" neverovatan je lik i na sceni i van nje. Sklon ispadima i ekscesima, gurnuo je jedno vreme svoj stvaralački impuls u drugi plan. A albumima koje objavljuje ne nedostaje magije, poleta, živopisnosti i maštovitosti. Nedostaje jači marketing.

Sve nekako nosi ritam gitara i oseti se prisustvo duha velikog rollingstonea sa početka karijere Britanaca Briana Jonesa. Izbor instrumenata i aranžmani odišu duhom brojnih uzora sa kompilacija Nuggets, a da ne nedostaje duhovne nadgradnje svedoče i povremeni izleti u modernija sazvežđa, pa i decentnu, ali u drugom planu, izraženu elektroniku. 

Newcombov glas ponekad podseća na glas J. Piercea iz Spiritualized, nekad pospan, nikad napadan, menja staro za novo i novo za staro, mnogi će u njemu da prepoznaju nešto, ali neće moći tačno da se sete šta baš?

Ima tu i neretkih iznenađenja poput This is the one Thing we die Not want to Happen sa Who killed Sgt. pepper (2010) koja u Martin Hannetovom maniru kombinuje ritam sekciju sa elektronski manipulisanim vokalima. Imao sam sreću da ih u jednom, mom, mračnom periodu života, gledam baš na "Pepper" turneji. Izgledali su baš onako retro sa ovalnim gitarama, poštarskim kapama, mornarskim majicama... Imidž baš ispoliran. A muzika kao iz vremeplova prebacuje 60e u XXII vek i nazad. Tim malim klubom znoj tekao je u potocima. Gledao sam u očaju i izgubljeno, praznu binu, kad više nisu nameravali na nju da se vrate. Odzvanjali su u ušima.

TBJM stalno u potrazi za izgubljenim blagom prošlosti, uvek neko iznenađenje i uvek nešto novo kod njih otkriješ. Besmrtne gitare i dalje će da praše rock. I s nama i bez nas, kao i pre, tako će i posle nas.

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Anemone

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - It Girl

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Vad Hände Med Dem?

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Pish

Tess Parks - Come Together

David J - Migena and the Frozen Roses

Anton Newcombe - Bringing Murder to the Land

Tess Parks - German Tangerine

Tess Parks - Please Never Die

The Limiñanas - Istanbul Is Sleepy

BMX Bandits - Razorblades & Honey

Haya Miller - שמועה - Remix

The Telescopes - (Come Bring Your Love) Come Drown in Love - Anton Newcombe Remix

Swear I love you - Down the Stream - Anton Newcombe Remix

BMX Bandits - Razorblades & Honey (Hifi Sean Extended Revision)

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - She Made Me

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Convertible

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Deep In The Devil's Eye & You

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Wisdom

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - (Around You) Everywhere

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Cause I Love Her

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Let's Pretend It's Summer

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Nothing To Lose

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Love

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - If Love Is The Drug Then I Want To O.D.

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - You Have Been Disconnected

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - When Jokers Attack

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - We Are The Niggers Of The World

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Whoever You Are

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - (You Better Love Me) Before I Am Gone

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Let Me Stand Next To Your Flower

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - (David Bowie I Love You) Since I Was Six

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Johnny Marr is Dead

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - This Is the First of Your Last Warning (Icelandic)

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - This Is the One Thing We Did Not Want to Have Happen

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Swallowtail

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Stairway To The Best Party

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Days Weeks and Moths

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Le Sacre du Printemps

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Dust

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Oh Bother

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Melodys Actual Echo Chamber

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Animal Wisdom

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - My Mind Is Filled With Stuff

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - It's About Being Free Really

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Don't Let Me Get In Your Way

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Do Rainbows Have Ends

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - The Light Is about To Change


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